Sunday, August 22, 2010

Pic'o Moment - Waiting...

Baby Doll - Waiting for her man to come home from work <3


  1. thats kinda sad...considering that you don't work on pico xD

  2. Well actually I am not. I am a kid. You are an adult...Playing on a kids game LMAO Maybe you should get a job too....Not spending your time on this 'KIDS'game xD

  3. lol you're pretty dumb for a 16 year old. A kid is actually defined as under 12 years of age. 12-17 is consider a young person. So you're telling me you're still a kid at the age of 16 and that Ameba Pico is charging little kids that has no money to spend? So how 1. they're gonna make money 2. you're still playing? and 3. GASP* you're an idiot 0.0 So next time you try to be witty, make sure you think it over because I understand that you thinking process is still underdeveloped, you're a little slow but that's okay. Take your time (kid) =D

  4. Okay, I admit that was a pretty good burn xD
    BUT....I just think that you should concentrate more on your REAL relationship more than your 'pico' relationship....If you live together in REAL life then you must like,,, sit next to each other on separate computers while you virtually kiss! xD "Daniel dear, Can you put on your black pants so they will match my hair?" Or if you DON'T Live together then you shoud go round and see each other or chat on the phone because its more meaningful :) & btw when you get people to hate be because apparently 'chatted up' your bf its kinda ironic because he called me 'sexy' and asked if i was single and could he add me, and all I did was said was "are you single?" and he replied "no i go out with Baby doll" so I said 'oh no fair!' (as a joke) because you said that you & daniel only went out in real life So I don't really see how what daniel said was acceptable and mine was not?
    I'm sorry i put "baby peep" as my name but i thought The 'baby' was really cool! xD I did not want to fall out with you but ov we did then I got angry and posted my 1st comment on your blog pic because some people the i previously liked, hated me -_- saying that I copied you...So I hope we can be friends again..but we probs wont :'(
    I hope you understand my point of view, Peep x

  5. Look I don't want to argue anymore so I am going to explain things for MY point of view:

    1: This whole thing about me trying to steal Daniel away from you have been totally blown out of proportion because he came upto and said that I was sexy and then asked If I was single and i told you and you said that It was okay because it was just a joke.Then I said to him are you single and then when he said that he went out with you I said "No fair!" As a joke and also said that you too were a good couple. So i don't see how what daniel said was acceptable and mine wan not? :'(

    2: I only copied the 'baby' bit on my name because I thought it was very cool xD And I'm sorry if I offended you because sometimes my friends copy my name (that happened twice) And I did not care! So I'm Sorry if you did.

    3: Don't make out that I'm a horrible person because I'm not! I'm sorry I wrote that comment above on your photo but I was angry because some of your friends kicked me out of their house and was sending he hate mail because I copied you. So you obviously told a lot of people.
    So I am apologosong to you and I hope we can be friends again.
    Yours, Bo peep x

  6. Wow bopep 0.0 you are really deluded lmao. This is Daniel btw, I was being nice to you until you had to keep your non-sensical talking. Its funny I don't recall calling you sexy or even to the slightest degree. In fact, I have the convo copied and dolly was right beside me reading it as you pathetically attempted to seduce me... (LMAO at your attempt). So to end this dispute with a 16 yeard old who claims to be Japanese... Follow the list:
    1) Earth to Bopeep.
    2) No one made anyone hate you, that came n
    aturally thanks to your "charming personality"
    3) ^ that was sarcasm btw.
    4) Oh, what do you know; Dolly & I date in real life, compared to your pico bf who cheated on you with frenchfries lmao.
    5) We do a lots of fun stuff in real life =D You should experience it for yourself.
    6) Hmmm there is more to life than pico 0.0 Wait a minute, you wouldn't know anything about that would you?
    7) No one cares about you copying -_- Seriously you're not the center of the Universe sadly.
    8) We both don't accept your apology.
    9) Seriously you gotta stop pretending by playi ng your other character which you claim to be your sister and asking to be Dolly's friend.
    10) Stop lying to yourself.
    11) Grow up.
    12) Repeat from step 1.

  7. Dear Daniel said...
    Little Bo-Peep (15:13)

    Little Bo-Peep (15:13)
    lets wisper

    ??????????? (15:13)
    heyyy whats up

    ??????????? (15:13)

    Little Bo-Peep (15:13)

    Little Bo-Peep (15:13)
    Its more smexxy

    ??????????? (15:13)
    how old are you?

    Little Bo-Peep (15:13)

    Little Bo-Peep (15:13)

    Little Bo-Peep (15:13)

    ??????????? (15:13)
    17 0.0

    Little Bo-Peep (15:13)

    ??????????? (15:13)

    ??????????? (15:14)
    where you live?

    Little Bo-Peep (15:15)

    Little Bo-Peep (15:15)

    ??????????? (15:15)

    Little Bo-Peep (15:15)
    but my father is english

    ??????????? (15:15)
    New York

    Little Bo-Peep (15:15)
    so I lived there for 2 years

    ??????????? (15:15)
    always wanted to see tokyo

    Little Bo-Peep (15:15)
    its amazing

    ??????????? (15:15)

    Little Bo-Peep (15:15)

    Little Bo-Peep (15:15)

    Little Bo-Peep (15:15)
    are you single?

    Little Bo-Peep (15:16)

    Little Bo-Peep (15:16)

    ??????????? (15:19)
    sorry I was afk

    ??????????? (15:19)
    Im with babydoll

    ??????????? (15:19)

    Little Bo-Peep (15:19)

    Little Bo-Peep (15:19)

    Little Bo-Peep (15:19)
    I was..

    ??????????? (15:19)
    why not ?

    Little Bo-Peep (15:19)
    Just broke up

    Little Bo-Peep (15:19)

    ??????????? (15:19)
    really? awww what happened

    Little Bo-Peep (15:20)
    he is seing someone called friench friess

    Little Bo-Peep (15:20)

    ??????????? (15:20)
    aww that bastard

    Little Bo-Peep (15:20)
    Do you know her?

    ??????????? (15:20)

    Little Bo-Peep (15:20)
    I looked her up

    Your message may not reach
    the recipient.

    ??????????? (15:20)
    you deserve someone better

    Little Bo-Peep (15:20)
    jelous me...

    Little Bo-Peep (15:20)
    I wish

    Little Bo-Peep (15:20)

    ??????????? (15:20)
    you will one day

    Little Bo-Peep (15:20)
    awh thanks

    Little Bo-Peep (15:20)
    you too sweet

    Little Bo-Peep (15:20)

    ??????????? (15:21)
    np, just need to be positive =D

    Little Bo-Peep (15:21)
    Yes, dont we all in life?

    Little Bo-Peep (15:21)

    ??????????? (15:21)

    ??????????? (15:21)
    thanks for booting those two girls

    ??????????? (15:21)
    there were mroe but I don't remember their name

    Little Bo-Peep (15:21) long have you been with baby doll?

    ??????????? (15:22)
    5 years

    ??????????? (15:22)
    known each other for a long time

    Little Bo-Peep (15:22)
    in real life?

    ??????????? (15:22)

    Little Bo-Peep (15:22)
    you both live near by?

    ??????????? (15:22)

    Little Bo-Peep (15:22)

    Little Bo-Peep (15:23)
    what is her real name?

    Little Bo-Peep (15:23)
    not 2nd

    Little Bo-Peep (15:23)
    just 1st

    Little Bo-Peep (15:23)
    just curious ;_

    ??????????? (15:23)
    Sara just as her profile says

    Little Bo-Peep (15:23)

    ??????????? (15:23)

    Little Bo-Peep (15:23)
    Im finola

    ??????????? (15:23)
    thats a pretty name

    Little Bo-Peep (15:24)

    Little Bo-Peep (15:24)
    its irish

    ??????????? (15:24)

    Little Bo-Peep (15:24)
    My dad choose

    Little Bo-Peep (15:24)

    Little Bo-Peep (15:24)
    my name

    ??????????? (15:24)
    your dad chosed a good name

    Little Bo-Peep (15:24)
    it was my grandmothers

    ??????????? (15:24)
    really? cool

    ??????????? (15:24)
    my name is just plain

    ??????????? (15:24)

    Did I miss anything else? I don't think so.

  8. Ok, I can't deny that but I just wanna ask some questions before i leave ur blog:

    1: I have another account but I did not ask 2 be dolls sister? I havent even seen her since we fell out.
    2: I don't have a bf? Please tell me who you think he is :L
